

When mummifying their kings and queens, ancient Egyptians would remove the brain and all the internal organs, except for one: The heart. Believing it held all thought and feeling, the deceased would need it in the afterlife, when they… rose again.


By 2000 BC, Chinese doctors had uncovered the hearts role in pumping blood throughout the body, while Western thinkers from Aristotle to the Renaissance believed the heart governed the emotions, a notion so powerful that it still persists today, in… a different form. The heart symbols resemblance to the real thing is… debatable.


Its origins are uncertain, but we see it as far back as the 6th century BC. Coins from Cyrene, in what is now Libya, carry the familiar emblem, representing silphium, a now-extinct plant used as a cooking spice, perfume, aphrodisiac, and… contraceptive.

它的起源尚不确定,但我们可以追溯到公元前6世纪。赛勒内(今利比亚境内 )的硬币上印有人们熟悉的标志,象征着水飞蓟,一种现已灭绝的植物,用作烹饪香料、香水、春药和……避孕药。

In the 17th century, St. Mary Margaret Alacoque reported seeing a vision of the sacred heart of Jesus, surrounded by thorns, and the symbol has since been associated with love and devotion. Today we know that love, along with all of our thoughts, desires, and emotions, comes from our brain, not our chest.

17世纪,圣玛丽·玛格丽特·阿拉科克(St.Margaret Alacoque)称她看到了耶稣神圣的心被荆棘环绕的景象,这个象征物从此与爱和奉献联系在一起。今天我们知道爱,以及我们所有的思想、欲望和情感,都来自我们的大脑,而不是我们的怀里。

"Where is fancy bred. . . in the heart or in the head? Shall we roll on?"


I guess most people dont find it that romantic when you say"I love you with all my limbic system. But even though love lives among our neurons, we can feel it here in a very real way.


Physical pain activates the same regions of our brain as emotional loss. That neurological stress can overstimulate the bodys vagus nerve, causing nausea, dizziness, and physical pain… real, actual heartbreak.


Its not all bad. When we see of a loved one, our brain stimulates the release of epinephrine and norepinephrine from our adrenal glands, causing our heart to beat faster.


But yes, one can desire too much of a good thing. Heart rates of 200 to 250 beats per minute could kill you or me, but to a pygmy shrew that would feel tame.


This thumbnail-sized relative of the mole has a resting heart rate of 1300 beats per minute. About this fast.


That even beats a hummingbirds hyperactive heart, and more than 15 times the average humans. A pygmy shrew will live just a year and a half, but in that time their heart will beat about a billion times.


An elephant? About a billion beats.


A rabbit? About a billion.


In fact, animals of all sizes seem to get about a billion heartbeats in a lifetime. The heart isnt some sort of ticking clock counting down to six feet under, but there is some truth to the billion heartbeat hypothesis.


Because they have a larger ratio of surface area to mass, small animals lose heat more quickly than larger animals, so they have higher metabolic rates and their cells wear out more quickly. Scientists think that lower metabolic rates are directly linked with longer lifespans.


As mass goes up, heart rates scale to the minus one-fourth power. So a cat is about 100 times more massive than a mouse, and its heart beats about one-third as fast. It works for lifespan too, only larger mass scales to the positive one-fourth power.


That cat, 100 times larger than the mouse, lives about three times as long. Biologists call this the quarter-power scaling principle, for different sized animals, measures of metabolism scale in multiples of one-fourth.


Except for us. We seem to be an outlier.


Following that rule of size, we live about three times as long as we should, we get about twice as many heartbeats as youd expect. The advancements of modern science and medicine have extended our lifespans.


Caring for one another helps us live longer. Thats a lovely thought.


Stay curious.


